Netstar is a tracking vehicle company that CMH Mahindra Pinetown uses because they have a large subscriber base of over 70 000 clients. Leaders in vehicle tracking and recovery have been around since 1994. Netstar recovery helicopters and ground crew are based at 18 airfields around Southern Africa. Recovery rate above 90 % and an average recovery time of 45 minutes. Netstar was the first to launch in South Africa. They have their own private RF network which allows the sending of an abuse signal to our control room. They have over 100 fitment centers around Southern Africa to install and maintain their products. They have a 24-hour control room operation with dedicated and experienced staff.

There are three products that CMH Mahindra Pinetown uses and clients as well:
#1 Netstar basic
This comes with battery disconnect notification via SMS and has an impact detection which can alert the control room of a possible accident. There is a phone in system which means the client needs to contact the control room should the vehicle be stolen or hi-jacked.

#2 Netstar Plus
It comes with all the features that the Netstar basic has. In addition, clients can download the Netstar app on their phones and monitor their vehicles online. They can set up driver behavior alerts if necessary, generate trip reports, and obtain SARS tax logbooks for tax purposes. It is also a phone-in system so should the vehicle be stolen or hi-jacked; the client needs to contact our control room for assistance.

#3 Netstar Early Warning
This is the top-of-the-range system which has all the bells and whistles of the BASIC and PLUS combined, together with a few more added benefits. One is it comes with a panic button which allows customers to alert Netstar of any emergency like a hijacking situation (clients can choose between a remote or wired panic button depending on their preference) and secondly it comes with tags. One is for the spare key and the other for the main key. The tag is designed to arm and disarm the tracking device automatically when the client approaches the vehicle and moves away from it, respectively. When the tag is not present it allows us to detect ignition theft and unauthorized towing. Thirdly it has jamming resistance technology-if the device is being jammed it will switch from GPS/GSM over to the RF and alert the control room of an abuse signal. Lastly, it also comes with car parking jamming-the client will receive an SMS notification if the device detects jamming at the shopping centre.

The benefits of choosing Netstar are many, including the rate of recovery, finding a vehicle, and ensuring your safety. Make the right choice and choose Netstar.

Start your Blooming journey with Mahindra
Visit us at 📌167 Josiah Gumede Road, Pinetown
Or call us on ☎ 031 001 2270
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